Akuffo-Addo and Finance Minister should pack their bags and leave - Kojo Yankson

Akuffo-Addo and Finance Minister should pack their bags and leave - Kojo Yankson

Yankson, during his Morning Show "The Super Morning Show" on Thursday, January 11, 2024 commented on the recently introduced Value Added Tax (VAT), he criticized the administration's lack of notable achievements and called for a change in leadership.

Yankson stated, "If it wasn't for the fact that somebody will come and tell me I am being political, I would have said that the finance minister and his president should all pack their bags and leave because to be perfectly honest, there is nothing beyond failure that they can put their hands on their chest to claim ownership over because at this point the suffering is just too much "

He emphasized the need for a reshuffling of ministers within the government to address underperforming officials is long over due.

In a related development, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has directed the Ghana Revenue Authority to collaborate with the Electricity Company of Ghana and the Northern Electricity Distribution Company in implementing a VAT on residential customers exceeding the specified lifeline power consumption.

Additionally, the Ghana Private Road Transport Union has confirmed plans to implement a 60% increase in transport fares in 2024, coinciding with the introduction of the Emission Levy Bill in January 2024.

These new taxes have further fueled public discontent, adding to the grievances of Ghanaians facing a rising cost of living.

Source: Akuffo Addo and Finance Minister should pack their bags and leave - Kojo Yankson | Pulse Ghana

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