Lack of processing facilities leading to waste of 900k metric tonnes of cashew fruits annually in Bono Region in Ghana

Lack of processing facilities leading to waste of 900k metric tonnes of cashew fruits annually in Bono Region in Ghana

Bono Regional Minister, Justina Owusu-Banahene has called upon Ghana's development partners to contribute to the enhancement of cashew fruit and nut value chains to foster job creation and alleviate poverty.

Expressing concern over the annual wastage of 889,000 metric tons of cashew fruits in the region due to the absence of processing facilities, Madam Owusu-Banahene emphasized the need for value addition initiatives to capitalize on the region's cashew production.

Her appeal came during a meeting with Mrs. Harriet Thompson, the British High Commissioner, who was engaging with department heads and agencies in Sunyani to explore the economic potential of the region.

Highlighting the significant cashew plantation acreage of about 74,000 acres and an annual production of 88,900 tons of cashew beans, Madam Owusu-Banahene lamented the challenges faced by the sector, including fragmented value chains, price volatility, and inadequate farm management practices.

In addition to the cashew industry, the poultry sector was identified as another key economic driver in the region, boasting over 1,160 farmers and a poultry stock of approximately 8,000,000.

However, obstacles such as the absence of a laboratory, high costs of poultry feed and drugs, and stiff competition from imported products hindered the growth of the poultry sector.

Mrs. Thompson commended the economic potential of the region, particularly in the poultry sector, and affirmed the UK's commitment to supporting trade in Ghana through initiatives aimed at value addition and market expansion.

Source: JoyNews

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