We owe Mahama an apology for our 3-seat deficit – Savannah NDC

We owe Mahama an apology for our 3-seat deficit – Savannah NDC

Members of the Savannah Regional branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) continue to express pains and regrets for losing three out of the seven constituencies in the region to the New Patriotic Party, NPP.

According to the Savannah Regional Youth Organizer of the party, Inusah Mahama, they owe former President and Flag Bearer of the NDC, John Dramani Mahama an apology for the situation.

Mr. Inusah Mahama said this during the launch of the NDC Green Army, a youth wing of the party that aims at galvanizing support and votes, to attain their agenda seven over seven seats for the NDC in the 2024 general elections.

Apart from the then Damongo/Daboya constituency that was held by the New Patriotic Party in the 2000 and 2004 elections and later lost to the National Democratic Congress, all the other constituencies have always been held by the NDC.

And Inusah Mahama conditions that, the former President can only forgive the youth in the party in the Region when they win back the three seats lost to their opponent, the New Patriotic Party.

"We the youth in the Savannah Region owe His Excellency John Dramani Mahama an apology and the only way he would accept our apology is when we win the seven over seven seats in the region.

"Sometimes, it's very embarrassing when you go to a program and then, they start saying that his Region and that NPP has been able to take two seats in addition to Damongo's. It's a very big embarrassment and that should be a wake-up call", he bemoaned.

Mr. Mahama therefore challenged the youth in the region to cultivate the spirit of sacrifice and stop the usual demands for handouts or logistics before they go and work for the NDC.

"We have to endure the sense of sacrifice and that's what is eating the youth caucus of the NDC. We always rely on they have to bring this before we go and work.

"If they give you before you go and work what will you do if they give before you go and work and the party wins power what can you go there and say; you can't", he insisted.

He says the Savannah Region should be a no-go area for the New Patriotic Party adding that "but that can only be achieved if we all decided that we are going to work tirelessly, both day and night".

"We can only go and ask for our share of the National cake if are also part of the victory. We can't deliver four (4) over three (3) and go and ask for our share. Other regions cannot deliver twelve over eleven (12/11) and we expect that we all go and ask for the share and be given the same. It's impossible. We have to lead the chart as Savannah Region and make sure that the rest follow", he indicated.

The Regional Youth Organizer also issued a stiff warning to any would-be detractors of the party in the 2024 elections.

According to him, "I want to declare, today, that I'll clear anybody whether within or outside the party who will stop us. We are going to make sure we paint the Savannah Region green. We are not going to accept any intimidation from, whether you are a chief or whoever if you try to undermine His Excellency John Dramani Mahama we will crash you."

"We've been so liberal and then, they are taking that for granted. We'll not take that anymore", he fumed.

On his part, the Savannah Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, Seidu Moro noted that the NDC is known for its sacrifice for success and urged the youth to sit up and work for power in 2024. He says the party was built on the foundation of self-sacrifice by its founding members, hence their efforts should not be in vain.

Still on the three seats deficits in the region, the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, also cautioned the youth to right the wrongs from the 2020 general elections and work to bring their colleagues back to the house in the 2024 general elections.

The MP later took a swipe at the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia-led government describing it as one drowned by corruption.

"Under the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government is corruption. This country is drowning, we are all drowning under corruption. The spillage in my constituency, you saw how many towns, and villages were submerged that's how we are drowning in corruption. It has become free for all and we must explain to young people that corruption is what has taken away your jobs", he stated.

At the launch in Bole were current and former appointees of the party including former Members of Parliament.






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